<https://kosmion.github.io/ont/v0/> a owl:Ontology ;
    rdfs:label "Kosmion ontology" ;
    rdfs:comment """
        The Kosmion ontology is designed with a human-first philosophy and a domain-first orientation that allows data modelers to define their own top-level constructs and hierarchies rather than adopting a predefined universal structure. 
        Kosmion is intended to be a utilitarian foundational ontology, advocating for “relator instances” as a reification-like alternative to traditional properties/relations. This approach allows:
        - relevant facets instead of instantiating traditional classes.
        - n-ary relations, including unary relations
        - system-time (with kosm:relator-genesis, kosm:relator-tombstone, and kosm:relator-successor)
        - immutability and attribution for lineage, auditing, and time-travel purposes
        - “statements about relators”, and since any traditional RDF statement can be expressed with a relator (I think), it could be considered an alternative to RDF-star, which aims to support “statements about statements”
        - contexts for specifying alternate realities and other less-truthy perspectives

        Kosmion is “OWL2 Full”, which supposedly might mean it's undecideable and unreasonable. It's also unorthodox, so probably breaks a lot of tooling. Tough luck computers.
        Arguably, relators are also less readable and more complicated than classic RDF triples. Sorry about that, humans. At least the expressiveness is decent.
        """ ;

    dcat:accessURL <https://kosmion.github.io/ontology/v0/> ;
    dcat:downloadURL <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kosmion/ontology/refs/heads/main/v0/kosmion-v0.1.2.ttl> ;

    owl:versionInfo "v0.1.2" ;
    owl:versionIRI <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kosmion/ontology/refs/heads/main/v0/kosmion-v0.1.2.ttl> ;